The year 2018 once more set a record for exports of Austrian wine, with 170.3 million Euros around the world, 6.9% more than the previous year. In addition, the bountiful 2017 vintage helped to exceed the fifty-million-litre mark in exports for the first time since 2010.
Export: increases in both volume & value
The outstanding 2017 vintage sent Austria’s wine exports soaring to new heights in 2018: 52.6 million litres of wine valued at 170.3 million Euros were sold in foreign markets – a historic figure in terms of value. This amounts to an increase in volume of 10.5%, as well as a revenue increase of 6.9% compared to the previous year. The average price was 3.24 € per litre, which amounted to a slight decrease compared to 2017 (3.35 €). However, this had been expected due to broader market penetration across all price segments, thanks to the greater harvest volume of 2017.
Despite the emergence of bulk wine sales in the market in the last quarter, caused by the voluminous 2018 harvest, the continuously growing sales of bottled wine once more provided the driving factor.
Similar growth in both EU & non-member countries
Non-EU markets, whose share of total export value for 2018 reached almost 30%, made a notable contribution to the outstanding figures. For example, significant growth in the United States (+19.7% volume, +21.2% value) and Canada (+66% volume, +62.6% value), clearly demonstrates that years of work done by the Austrian Wine Marketing Board and many dedicated winegrowers have paid off in North America. On average, EU member states also show gratifying increases in both volume and value. Germany remains Austria’s largest export market, but its share of sales dropped below 50% for the first time due to strong growth in the other markets – by comparison, it was still over 70% in the year 2000.
AWMB General Manager Willi Klinger reports, with satisfaction, “Austrian wine is on the right track. For fifteen years, exports have grown by an average of 6.5% per annum. If we maintain our current successful quality strategy, within five years every litre of wine from Austria will be sold at a profit.”

Facts |
Wine exports 2018 (source: Statistik Austria): 52.6 Mio. L (+10.5% compared with 2017) 170.3 Mio. € (+6.9% compared with 2017) Average price: 3.24 € (-0.11 € compared with 2017: due to broader market penetration in all price categories, thanks to the voluminous 2017 harvest) Export details: Increase in bottled wine sales as well as bulk wine (the latter caused by the voluminous 2018 harvest) Non-member states outside the EU: noticeable growth figures, already almost 30% of total export value Increases in EU nations as well |