
ProWein 2023: the who’s who of the wine and spirits industry

door | 3 nov 2022 | Internationaal

In some four months that time will have come round again –   ProWein 2023 will kick off. However, even today international wine and spirits professionals can already obtain an overview of the global ranges awaiting them at the world’s biggest and most relevant trade fair for wines and spirits in Düsseldorf. At www.prowein.com the who’s who of the sector will be represented from mid November; until the trade fair starts on 19 March 2023  the exhibitor database will be gradually filled with the key data of the over 6,000 vintners, joint participations, importers and exporters, spirits and craft-beer suppliers. Company profiles, corporate data, product and press news will also be uploaded by the exhibitors themselves into the database – ensuring the ideal digital platform to perfectly organise your visit to ProWein.   

13 exhibition halls, clearly segmented ranges
13 exhibition halls await visitors with cleary structured product ranges. This – and the extra-wide aisles – guarantee a quick overview and a stress-free visit to the trade fair. The product ranges are grouped as follows:

  • Argentina, Chile, Uruguay & other overseas / New World nations: Halls 13 and 14
  • Australia, California, South Africa & other overseas / New World nations: Halls 14
  • Germany: Halls 1 and 4
  • France: Halls 9 and 10
  • Greece: Hall 17
  • Italy: Halls 15, 16 and 17
  • Japan: Hall 14
  • Central and Eastern Europe: Hall 12
  • Austria: Hall 5
  • Eastern Europe and rest of Europe: Hall 12
  • Portugal: Hall 12
  • Spain: Hall 11
  • Spirits: Hall 13
  • Trendshow “same but different”: Hall 7.0

Curtains up for current trends & topics
ProWein would not be so successful if it did not pick up current topics and address in the form of trend shows, special shows and event forums. These include:

  • Debuting at the forthcoming ProWein 2023 will be the World of Zero” in Hall 1. It hones in on the topical “non-alcoholic” theme. National and international exhibitors will present their wines and spirits – their ranges will be completed by a tasting zone.
  • The “0% proof” theme was already addressed by the two trend scouts Paula Redes Sidore and Stuart Pigott at the Trend Hour Tastings at the last ProWein. In 2023 the topics will include “Tetrapack, Lightweight Bottles & Co”, “#kabilove and the New Freshness in Wine” as well as “The World of Organic Wines”.
  • Trendshow same-but-different: Encompassing more than 120 exhibitors in Hall 7.0 this has been truly a highlight for the world of craft spirits, craft beer and cider for years now. Its success formula and hallmark are the special spirit and unique atmosphere.  
  • “Champagne Lounge” in Hall 9: it is this combination of central tasting zone alongside individual exhibitors (to the tune of 120 Champagne producers) that constitutes real added value for visitors.
  • Hall 5 stands out with two topics: the organic area & the “Organic World” as well the Special Show “Packaging & Design”.
  • Also featuring again are the two ProWein Forums in Hall 13 and Hall 10 where exhibitors will present their highlights.

ProWein & ProWein World: A strong network
After the pandemic-induced, forced break ProWein 2022 has impressively reported back. This is confirmed by the key data of ProWein 2022: with 5,724 exhibitors from 62 countries and over 38,000 trade visitors from 145 countries it proved the pivotal industry event in 2022. ProWein started in 1994 with 321 exhibitors from eight countries and reached its preliminary climax at its 25th anniversary event in 2019 with 6,900 exhibitors from 64 countries and 61,560 visitors from 143 nations.  

No less successful are the satellite events of ProWein World in Asia and South America. This year still sees one trade fair on the agenda, before in 2024 the number will go up to five again. Not forgetting the “Wine & Gourmet Japan – powered by ProWein” in April 2023, which will enhance the ProWein World as ProWine Tokyo being the sixth trade fair from 2024:

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