Best Wine in Box, 9th edition: a well-established competition

door | 28 mrt 2023 | Internationaal

The Concours International Best Wine in Box, the contest devoted specifically to wines packaged in Bag-in-Box®, will take place on March 28 in the French city of Toulouse. Participation figures remain at satisfactory levels this year, despite the
difficulties the wine sector is facing. This goes to show that the contest is firmly established in the wine sector.

The 2023 contest
The Concours International Best Wine in Box 2023 will be held at Diagora Labège (Toulouse, south-western France) on March 28. It is the 9th edition of this pioneer contest, the first one that specifically distinguished boxed wines. The CIWIB is now
well established, with high participation figures several years in a row both for French and international wines.

Nearly 400 entries despite the crisis in the wine-making sector
Close to 400 wines have been entered for the contest this year, among which 55% are French wines and 45% from abroad. The usual wine-producing countries are present (Spain, Italy, Portugal), as are other European countries: Germany, Bulgaria,
Hungary, Romania and for the very first time, Moldova. New-world wines are also well represented (South Africa, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile and New Zealand).
Participation figures are on a par with those for previous years (except for 2021 which was a record year, with 462 samples). The contest has truly become a not-to-be- missed international event. “Producers have now fully adopted the BIB which is now deemed worthy of every table”, commented Anne-Marie Estampe, whose company Amelovin organizes the wine contest.
Yet the current context is difficult for the wine sector, particularly due to inflation which has driven production prices up and put a dent in the purchasing power of consumers. But perhaps this crisis will see alternative packagings pull through.
Indeed, BIBs, with a lower carbon footprint than glass bottles, have been increasing their market share not only because of environmental considerations but also economic ones. Despite the fact that even prestigious wines such as Côtes de Nuit
(Bourgogne) may also be sold in BIBs!

And the best boxes?
Since 2020 the contest also rewards design. The wines that manage to win the golden “Best Wine in Box” sticker may run for “Best Dressed Wine” and “Eco-design”. A jury of designers will pick the best-looking boxes, while Adelphe (who advises
companies on recycling) will nominate the box whose design is most eco-friendly. This part of the contest will take place later in 2023.

The first contest of its kind
The Best Wine in Box contest, created in 2015, was the first contest devoted solely to boxed wines. It is organized
by Amelovin in partnership with the University of Toulouse (oenology students) and the Occitanie Region. It is open
to producers and distributors of boxed wine. The “Best Wine in Box” medals are awarded according to strict rules,
the wines are blind tasted by juries each chaired by professional oenologists.

All the results of the 2022 edition are available online: