Terre di Pisa DOC: Wines from the Region Featured at Wine Paris Pavilion 6, Stand D214-3
Representing the territory through its wines. This is the calling card that the Consorzio Vini Terre di Pisa DOC will bring to the upcoming edition of the Parisian fair dedicated to the world of wine.
An increasingly important event, growing year by year, it draws the attention of specialized and general press, as well as major players in the wine business. The Consortium will have its own stand featuring a consortial booth that will represent the associated wineries.
«This year – explains President Ginevra Venerosi Pesciolini,- we have a new location that will give the Consortium greater visibility, not only due to its position (in Pavilion 6 dedicated to Italy) but also because of the size of the exhibition space».
The spotlight will be on the wines of the Terre di Pisa DOC, which, starting with the 2024 harvest, will expand with the introduction of new types, including the Bianco and Rosato, emblematic of a territory that is rapidly evolving.
«The work of these past months – the President adds – has allowed us to meet numerous national and international journalists who have ‘certified’ the high quality of our production. Paris will be another moment of exchange, but also an opportunity to bring our territory to the world».
For information and appointments:
Riccardo Gabriele
p.ph. +39 338 731 7637