Wines of South Africa has launched a new social media campaign in the run up to the opening of Cape Wine 2015, which will be held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from 15th to 17th September this year.
The campaign, called #CapeWineConnect features short video interviews with South Africa’s leading winemakers, viticulturalists and other wine personalities. The videos are designed to inform visitors to the show about South African wine, in a light-hearted manner that reflects the welcoming nature of the industry. They include topics such as winemakers’ lightbulb moments, social upliftment, farming methods, views on wines and the occasional winemakers’ dog.
Producers are bring encouraged to ramp up their social media presence in the month before the event and use the #CapeWineConnect hashtag to raise awareness of the campaign and the show, highlighting their own stories and successes.
Commenting on the activity Wines of South Africa’s CEO, Siobhan Thompson, said: “Our show is a multi-media look at the South African wine industry and the #CapeWineConnect campaign allows visitors to start learning more about our wines before they step onto a plane. Over the three days of Cape Wine delegates will be able to make sense of the progress South Africa has made over the past two decades. We are now an accomplished performer with an authentically original voice, keen to protect our vinous heritage but equally excited to explore new wine-growing areas, new varietals and new styles.”
The #CapeWineConnect videos can be viewed by visiting For more information on Cape Wine, visit, where delegates can also register for the exhibition.
Stay up-to-date via: Facebook: Cape Wine 2015 and Twitter: @CapeWine2015