Launching a new brand: Vinexpo feat. bettane+desseauve

door | 17 feb 2016 | Internationaal, Nieuws


Bordeaux, February 19th 2016  – Vinexpo, the organiser of international wine and spirits events, and bettane+desseauve, the company set up by the two internationally renowned wine experts, are launching a new brand – Vinexpo feat. bettane+desseauve– at Vinexpo Hong Kong,  which takes place from 24 to 26 May 2016.

This new event is designed to promote the talent of wine growers, revealing exceptional products, young and emerging producers, and rare and surprising wines.

Vinexpo feat. bettane+desseauve – will be launched at Vinexpo Hong Kong where some ten tasting sessions led by Michel Bettane and Thierry Desseauve are already planned.

At Vinexpo Bordeaux, from 18 to 21 June 2017, Vinexpo feat. bettane+desseauve, an event-within-the-event, will present a first-of-its-kind tasting experience.

The new brand will have its own independent life beyond the Vinexpo exhibitions, too: Vinexpo feat. bettane+desseauve will operate as a stand-alone brand on other occasions and can take on various potential formats.

Guillaume Deglise, Vinexpo’s Chief Executive, is delighted with this new initiative: “Michel Bettane and Thierry Desseauve are internationally renowned wine and spirits experts. They’ve built up a very special relationship with winegrowers through their multiple activities in the sector. The creation of the Vinexpo feat. bettane+desseauve brand puts winegrowing right back at the centre of our events.”

Thierry Desseauve and Michel Bettane stated: “We’re thrilled to be part of Vinexpo’s new impetus. The launch of this brand epitomises the energy of our two companies”.

About Vinexpo
Vinexpo organises international events in Europe and Asia. Vinexpo Bordeaux is a major gathering for the entire industry – a key date for all wine and spirits professionals. In even-numbered years, Vinexpo Hong Kong brings together producers from all over the world attracted by the growing Asia-Pacific markets. And Vinexpo Tokyo is a niche event specially created for the Japanese market. Upcoming events: Vinexpo Hong Kong – 24 to 26 May 2016, Vinexpo Tokyo – 15 and 16 November 2016, and Vinexpo Bordeaux – 18 to 21 June 2017.

About bettane+desseauve
Established by journalists and wine critics Michel Bettane and Thierry Desseauve in 2005, bettane+desseauve aims to provide information and advice on wines for everyone – consumers and professionals alike. The company operates in three key areas: the media, events and recommendations within retail outlets.  It produces wine supplements and columns for top French publications (Les Échos, Paris Match, Le Journal du Dimanche) and internationally (Germany, Italy, the UK, China, Korea). In June 2015 it launched its own magazine, EN MAGNUM, and it publishes the annual bettane+desseauve wine guide in France (Flammarion) and in China. For the last 10 years it has organised Grand Tasting Paris, a tasting event specifically dedicated to the public which has also been exported to London, Hong Kong and Shanghai, as well as creating Winelab, a trade-only event introducing the most innovative producers. The company also selects the best wines for Air France, Monoprix and Mercure hotels.

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