
A new Michelangelo trophy announced to celebrate Chenin Blanc

door | 18 feb 2016 | Internationaal, Nieuws


Coinciding with the Michelangelo’s 20th birthday this year, a new Chenin Blanc trophy has been announced. The trophy is sponsored by Cape Town based company, Juvenal Cork

In recognition of the quality revolution taking place – as evidenced in the growing number of premium Chenins currently on the market – Juvenal Cork and the Michelangelo International Wine & Spirits Awards have established a platform for producers of this important varietal to have their wines judged by a high profile panel of international judges and compete for the highest honours. “Proof of the growing importance of Chenin Blanc was the 25% increase in entries in this class for the 2015 Michelangelo,” says Michelangelo MD, Lorraine Immelman. “This resulted in a total of 126 Chenin Blanc entries last year”.

Historical records show that Chenin Blanc is one of South Africa’s oldest grape varieties, noted to arrive in South Africa in the mid 17th Century. Today more than 50% of the Chenin Blanc vines grown on the planet, are found in South Africa, making it the Cape’s most popular white variety, with over thirty percent of all South Africa’s  white wine vineyards.

“It has always been a priority for Juvenal Cork to be visible in – and supportive of – the wine industry”, says Juvenal Cork managing director, Johan Conradie. “and for this reason we feel privileged to be involved in a respected and well established organisation like the Michelangelo International Wine & Spirits Awards.”

Juvenal Cork was established in South Africa in 2001 as a young cork supplying company and has since grown to include Berthomieu Wine Barrels and Ohlinger Screw Caps in its product range.

In 2015 Juvenal Cork also announced that they had joined international wine packaging group Vinventions. “This step has also taken Juvenal Cork to a new and exciting level in the wine industry,” says  Johan.

Important dates for 2016:

Competition opens for entries: 1 June 2016 (no deliveries)

Open for entries and deliveries of samples: 1 July 2016

Judging of wine and spirits entries: 15 – 20 August 2016

20th Birthday and awards dinner: Monday, 26 September 2016, Lord Charles Hotel, Somerset West.

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